When searching to rent a photocopier, be cautious of deals that seem too good to be true. If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. If you encounter offers that are surprisingly cheap compared to others, scrutinize the fine print. Let’s explore four common traps to be aware of and avoid.
1. Recon Photocopier Advertised As Brand New
What It Means – Some photocopier rental vendors may advertise their reconditioned photocopier as being new. Unfortunately, this means you are paying the price of a brand new photocopier but getting a used photocopier instead. They may also use the term ‘newer model’, which tricks you into thinking it means ‘new model’. That’s how they can offer you a lower monthly rental rate, similar or only slightly higher than other recon packages.
How To Avoid :
- Look for ‘Brand New’ or ‘Recon/Reconditioned/Refurbished’ in the photocopier quotation/rental agreement.
- Check the photocopier’s introduction date; if it’s over 5 years old, it could be a red flag.
2. High Non-refundable Deposit
What It Means – Saving money on your photocopier rental may seem like the best option at first glance. But when renting your photocopier machine, it is essential to be aware of possible high non-refundable deposits and hidden fees.
A high non-refundable deposit would be like purchasing the machine instead of a rental; therefore, the rental fee could be meagre. These non-refundable deposits and hidden fees from your cheap copier lease agreements can cost you much more in the long run.
How To Avoid :
- Confirm with the vendor if the deposit is refundable.
3. Non Proper Reconditioned Second-hand Copier vs Proper Reconditioned Copier
What It Means – Some photocopier rental suppliers offer similar reconditioned copier models but at much lower rental prices than the market. In reality, the copier machine offered might be a second-hand used condition instead of an adequately overhauled one.
The risk of purchasing a used second-hand copier without an overhaul is that you will not know the actual condition of the machine. Reconditioned copiers are copy machines that undergo an overhauling process to renew, repair, and exchange any damaged parts. However, this overhauling process has its own cost.
A second-hand used machine does not undergo this overhauling process; therefore, reducing the cost incurred, allowing the supplier to rent it out at a cheaper rental rate. This second-hand used copier is considered a lower quality product, needing more repairs, maintenance, and replacement than newer models.
How To Avoid:
- Investigate the rental supplier’s background and reviews for trustworthiness.
- Compare prices and inquire about the reasons for significantly lower rates.
4. Using Original Parts vs. Non-Original Parts When Servicing & Repairing
What It Means – A-lot of suppliers out there opt to use non-authentic parts and it introduces a significant risk of breakdowns and operational issues.
Non-authentic parts, often referred to as counterfeit or generic components, may lack the precision, quality, and compatibility that genuine parts provide. These substitutes might not meet the manufacturer’s specifications, leading to compromised performance and, ultimately, breakdowns. The utilization of non-authentic parts can result in decreased reliability, and a higher likelihood of malfunctions. That’s how they can offer you a lower monthly rental as well.
To ensure the longevity and optimal functioning of equipment, it is crucial for suppliers to adhere to using authentic, manufacturer-approved parts during maintenance and repairs.
How To Avoid:
- Check the supplier’s background and reviews to ensure trustworthiness.
- Inquire about the use of authentic, manufacturer-approved parts during maintenance.
While everyone loves a good deal, it’s crucial to understand what you’re truly getting. Protect yourself to ensure you get the performance you desire. Evaluate whether these seemingly cheap deals are worth considering. At HTC OFFICE SOLUTIONS, we offer competitive and honest photocopier rental package. Contact us now to learn more about our offerings and compare them with your current vendors.